Satuit Technologies Holds 2nd Annual Hackathon

September 18, 2019

Braintree, MA – September 18, 2019 – The team at Satuit recently completed our 2nd Hackathon where employees pitched their ideas to the entire company with a goal to get the green light on some really cool new projects. This year’s Hackathon included features for future releases along with some ideas just for fun.

The Hackathon started with a pitch meeting where employees pitched their ideas and everyone voted electronically for their favorites. The top five (of twelve that were presented) were selected.

Some rules applied to assure creativity included:

  • Employees could not work at his/her normal desk, everyone moved desks.
  • Teams needed members from multiple departments within the Company. You could not work with more than one member of your day-to-day team.
  • Proof of concept had to be completed in 3 days.
  • Food (and new this year: EOD Beer) provided

Team members got a change of scenery and the opportunity to work with other members of the Company.

At the end of the Hackathon teams presented their ideas. Presentations were so compelling, making choosing a winner much more difficult. In the end, the winning team won by just one vote!

Projects from the Hack are being implemented or planned for release soon. Some features to look forward to are: a new “Click-to-Dial” feature for the CRM, integration with Salesforce for our Investor Portal and Drag and Drop feature for adding documents (both CRM and Portal), and lastly, one team created a Satuit podcast for employees to learn more about fellow coworkers and provide a bit of fun during our day jobs. The podcast was a big hit.

Satuit’s 2nd annual Hackathon was another great success and will provide some cool new tools for prospects and clients to use in the future. We appreciate all who participated and will be looking forward to seeing what new and improved ideas everyone will have for next year’s Hackathon.