The Value an Investor Portal Brings to a Firm and Its Investors

The Value Proposition of an Investor Portal

The Value of an Investor Portal The value of an investor portal can extend well past the common misconception that it is only a tool for streamlining investor report delivery. In reality, proper implementation of an investor portal software can bring a new channel for investor engagement, streamlined operations, and support of marketing efforts. How […]

10 E-Marketing Tips for SatuitCRM

Top 10 E-Marketing Tips

Our Top 10 E-Marketing Tips Our industry-leading CRM email management software, SatuitCRM, can ensure that your business implements effective marketing campaigns. Learn about our top tips for e-marketing with our CRM solution. How SatuitCRM Improves Your Email Marketing Campaign Learn how to utilize useful features such as segmentation by contacts, entities, primary function, entity type, […]

A CRM Checklist for Success: Critical Factors | Satuit

10 Critical Factors of a Successful CRM Implementation

Our CRM Checklist for Success A CRM Checklist for success can ensure that you are deploying your CRM solutions effectively, receiving the full intended benefits. As providers of industry-leading CRM software solutions, we feel it is important to pair your CRM with steps that will give you the highest return on investment. 10 Rules of […]